WAT XIENG THONG | Luang prabang

WAT XIENG THONG (Xieng Thong temple) 

Built during the 16th century by King Saya Setthathirath and completed in 1560, Xieng Thong Temple is one of the most interesting examples of traditional Lao art and Buddhist architecture. The ornate carved and gilded funeral vehicle of the former king is kept in one of the buildings in the temple grounds. It is well worth visiting and paying your respects to this temple while in Luang Prabang. This temple was used to organize the highest Royal Ceremonies and houses the bones of King Sisavangvong. The intricate golden facades, colorful murals, glass mosaics and unique threetiered roof make this one of the most beautiful temples in Asia. Located on the main street at the end of the peninsular, when you walk from the Luang Prabang Tourism Information Center just about 10 minutes and at the left hand side.

Open daily 08:00am – 17:00pm

Admission Fee: Free