Located in the heart of Luang Prabang, the Royal Palace Museum was first constructed in 1904 in the French colonial era. Visit the museum and see the real “Prabang” Buddha image. Pha Bang lives is an easy-to-miss little room surrounded by engraved elephant tusks and three silk screens embroidered by the former queen. To find it, walk east along the palace’s exterior south terrace and peep in between the bars at the eastern end. Note that persistent rumours claims that the image on display here is stored in a vault in Vientiane. The ‘real’ one supposedly has gold leaf over the eyes and a hole drilled through one ankle.
Open daily except Tuesday
Time: 08:00am-11:30am, 01:30pm-04:00pm
Admission Fee: 30,000 Kip
Children under 10 free of charge.